Take a look at our Team Building Events in action

If you’d like to share your team building photos with us, please email team.building@bikeworks.org.uk

All Ability Challenge in action

Communicating clear instructions isn’t as easy as we might think

Building BMX with Deutsche Bank

18 BMX built by 130 interns for their CSR day

Food baskets gifted to Children With Voices

150 food baskets prepared by Bloomberg interns for their Intern Day of Service 

Celebrating Paris Games 2024

Nothing more fun than a few laps on the pump track

15 children’s bikes gifted to LEYF

Nothing makes us happier than a delivery of little tiny bikes going off to create really BIG impact

Away day with MFS Management Investment

“Doing it at the velodrome was fab.. the whole charitable element… just everything”

A successful Team Tyre Challenge with Twining Enterprise

Team away day at the Lee Valley VeloPark

Outdoor Team Building Event

Team away day in Cambridge

Team Tyre Challenge in action

You don’t need to be a cycling enthusiast to benefit from a Bikeworks Team Building Event